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Breakfast Bagels

Makes 6 breakfast bagels


Some butter
6 bagels
6 eggs
12 sausage links
Enough cheese for 6 bagels
Optional but recommended: Sliced tomato & pickle


1. Put a pan on the stove and coat the bottom with butter.
2. Crack 6 eggs into the pan and mix until vaguely scrambled. Cover and heat on medium-low heat.
3. While the eggs are cooking, slice your cheeses and cut the sausage links in half long-ways.
4. Prepare your bagels (move them by the rest of your
5. Once the eggs have finished cooking (should look like a big egg pancake) turn off the heat and use a spatula to free up the bottom.
6. Use the spatula to cut the eggs into 6 equal parts the way you would cut a pizza.
7. Pull apart a bagel into two halves and add 4 sausage link halves flat side down.
8. Add the cheese.
9. Take one slice of the egg 'pizza' and fold it in half tip to crust. Place this on the sausage and cheese.
10. Top off the bagel with the other half. Wrap in foil (or your favorite wrapping item) and refrigerate/freeze.

Reheating Instructions

1. If frozen, thaw for at least 24 hours (proceed at your own risk if you can't wait)
2. Unwrap bagel and disassemble like an open-face sandwich.
3. Heat in a 350° toaster oven (without preheating) for 20-30 minutes.
4. Add a slice of tomato and close back up to enjoy,